
August 10, 2014

"Courage, dear heart."

Life has been history resurfacing at my doorstep, old lessons and principles being relived. Late nights, little hurdles, but good food, good company, little adventures. Never would I have seen myself studying and exploring in an airport (a phenomenon completely unheard of in Malaysia). Or never would I have gone walking around places as much as I have been lately. It's been exciting, how good friendships inspire. Even more so when friendships center Christ. How they allow you to thoroughly enjoy being your own person, and give you reason to explore into so much more.

The past few weeks have been crammed with project deadlines, occasional tests and countless presentations. And it means a big deal to me that I can finally say it's all done. And that I am a day nearer to going home after I get through finals for the coming semester break. I am thankful for how others have pushed me to press on and for how they go through each day with me, one day at a time.

I've learnt to keep looking forward to little things in every part of the day. To the completion of a presentation, the meeting of a friend, study sessions, a good bowl of Ban Mian (no one calls it pan mee here because. Singapore.), or Subway cookies. or Indian briyani.
But the point is -- It's so much more enjoyable living this way than waking up dreading the day. I've made occasional and repeated mistakes of frowning upon anticipated long days, but here's to less fretting, less whining, and more of giving praise for a life I was called to live, out of death from my sin, and more of embracing life, enjoying the presence of my Savior.

May we grow into our own skins each day. Soar and grow. May we only steer towards our Maker and not allow the lesser passions of this earth blind and take us away from the One we were made for.
May you realize that every breath you make is a breath you're allowed to take only because of God's grace. And may you see that you're never alone, because He never leaves nor forsakes.

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